Best of Orienteering

Poll: Best of Orienteering 2008

Two of the major sources for international orienteering news on the Internet - World of O and Ultimate Orienteering - are organizing a poll to name "The Orienteering Achievement of 2008" and "The Ultimate Junior Orienteer of 2008". The winner in each category is decided in a vote amongst all the readers of World of O and Ultimate Orienteering after all nominees have been presented.

All polls are now closed for voting. Use the links below to see the nominations:

In the vote for "The Orienteering Achievement of 2008", the best achievement of the year is to be named - and not necessarily the best orienteer of 2008. In the vote for "The Ultimate Junior Orienteer of 2008", the best junior orienteer of 2008 is to be named.


Nominees "The Orienteering Achievement of 2008"
Nominees "The Ultimate Junior Orienteer of 2008"
Rules and prizes
The winner in each category is decided in a vote amongst all the readers of World of O and Ultimate Orienteering. Prizes will be drawn among the voters:
  1. A person can only vote once in each of the categories (if several people share one internet connection, only one can vote, as the IP address is used to identify the voter along with the email-address of the voter).
  2. Among all people voting, 10 prizes (Trimtex Extreme shirts and Trimtex Extreme pants) will be drawn. We would like to thank Trimtex for making available the prizes.
  3. The winners will be made public after the poll closes at World of O and Ultimate Orienteering.
Spread the news
The following sites are linking to "Best of Orientering 2008" - and have the possibility to win sponsored links: Help making the poll as representative for the international orienteering community as possible! Spread the news about the poll, by publishing an article about the election on your website, and encourage people participating. Of all websites with on average more than 50 visitors/day who link to the poll after it has been opened for voting, five websites will be drawn who will get a free "Sponsored Link" at either World of O or Ultimate Orienteering. Websites with on average more than 200 visitors/day will count triple when linking to the poll. Send an email to with the sites address if you want to be part of this draw for free sponsored links. Sponsored links may be to any orienteering related page or product - must necessarily by the website drawn. Please use one of the following images when linking to the poll:

